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Our Industries

The IAMAW is one of the most diverse unions in the world. We have survived since 1888 by our ability to evolve with the times. We are not just a railroad union anymore, today we are the largest aerospace and defense union in North America. Many labor organizations with legacy have merged into the IAMAW and with those mergers came members of new walks of life that we were once unfamiliar with. Over the last 136 years, we have come to represent Woodworkers, Healthcare workers, Federal workers, Transportation workers, Industrial workers, Defense workers, Aerospace workers, Service Contract workers and the IAM actually founded The Metal Trades Council.

Aerospace logo

The Aerospace Union

We proudly represent workers at Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, NASA, American Airlines, Jet Blue, United Airlines and more...

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The Defense Union

The IAM is the largest defense union in North America. Our members have taken on the most powerful corporations in the world and won industry leading contract.


Wood Workers

The IAM absorbed the Industrial Woodworkers of America in 1994. The IWA was devastated after the federal govt banned logging on federal land. The spotted owl fiasco itself left 60,000 workers jobless. Today the Woodworkers stand 10,000 members strong.

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Service Contract Act

The IAM has grown into the largest SCA Union in North America and we have members at almost every military facility in the country.

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